The Ultimate Guide to the Dark Web
The Dark Web: is it as ominous as it sounds? In this guide you'll discover how the Dark Web came into existance is used by cyber criminals.
How to tell if a Google Play app is fake
For years, reports citing malicious Android apps have been in the headlines. Apps have been known to deliver malware to devices, mine sensitive data and bombard users with ads without their consent. So how do you spot them?
How SMEs can recover from cyber attacks
Social distancing has rapidly changed the way businesses operate, with many companies adapting to remote working in a matter of weeks. Needless to say, this has not gone unnoticed by cyber criminals who, assuming that IT defences will be affected, have been heavily targeting SMEs in a range of sectors.
Norwegian data breach: the cyber security impact of Coronavirus
As the number of cases of Coronavirus continue to grow, governments across the world are taking drastic measures to protect citizens. Italy and Spain have entered lockdown, Germany has closed its borders, New York City has closed its schools and the UK is continuing to monitor cases with talks of border closures in the future. Amidst the uncertainty, stock markets are fluctuating and it’s unknown as to when life might return to normal.
Easy to implement cyber resilience training for your staff
While entire countries are on lockdown, working from home presents a great opportunity to maintain business continuity. However, remote working comes with several cyber security risks; we should pay the same attention to our cyber hygiene as we do washing our hands.
Why cyber security matters now more than ever
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused widespread disruption and cyber criminals have been adding to the chaos. Financially motivated threat actors have started to prey on the digital tools so many of us rely on and the uncertainty of the crisis is leaving individuals open to exploitation.
What Coronavirus is teaching us about cyber security
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a number of global challenges, affecting systems and key industries all over the world. Since the outbreak, DynaRisk's intelligence team has been tracking a number of sources including the Dark Web for new scams, threats and industries being targeted by cyber criminals. Here are some key takeaways so far...
Netflix, Spotify & EA: discover the most ‘cyber-attacked’ brands
The number of high-profile data breaches hitting the headlines has made the public more conscious about the security of their online data and personal information than ever before. In order to get a better idea of where consumer data may be vulnerable to theft, we wanted to investigate the brands most commonly ‘attacked’ by cyber criminals.
How to identify a malicious website
Malicious websites come in two forms; they host malware or are used to phish for sensitive information, tricking users into revealing sensitive data such as login credentials for online banking websites. But when a website looks legitimate, what should you look out for?