A recent incident occurred with a client which is a first for us, but one which has given us the ability to demonstrate the unprecedented value our solutions can add to our clients and their customers.
We understand how powerful our data is, as we’ve had many instances where our insight has allowed us to predict and prevent both cyberattacks and cyber insurance claims. However, this particular instance is one that we wanted to share.
We were engaged by a customer to provide cyber intelligence services in combination with scanning for Hacker Chatter via our Breach Check software.
As part of this work, we uncovered serious concerns with the company's technology and identified that they were in a sweet spot for being attacked by cybercriminals for various reasons due to the current geopolitical situation.
The Event
In the middle of writing the final report and highlighting our findings that the company needed to implement to better protect itself, the company was attacked by cybercriminals at the same time. This is something we have not seen before, and our team could not believe their eyes.
Sure enough, a hacker group launched a Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attack against this company and knocked out their public website for almost 48 hours.
The attack would have sent dozens of people into panic/response mode and consumed the focus of the company's leadership for days. Not to mention the potential for damage to the company's brand, losses of income they would have suffered as a result of customers not being able to reach their website, and more.
The Aftermath
If DynaRisk had been engaged sooner, we would have delivered over 75x est ROI on this single issue, prevented a huge amount of stress on dozens of people, and prevented significant business disruption and potential insurance claims activity.
Please, do not wait for this to happen to your customers. You can provide them with tremendous value which will make your business and theirs more profitable, it's a win-win for everyone.
Our risk-management software (Cyber Xpert and Breach Defence) helps individuals, businesses, and their customers to mitigate their cyber risk. Using a range of non-invasive scans, monitors, and education, we arm our users with the cybersecurity tools they need to prevent cyberattacks. We also offer cyber risk monitoring, with our latest product launch, Breach Check. This easy-to-use system allows users to quickly determine how at risk a business is, by checking its hack surface and identifying any issues that could leave them exposed.
If you would like to know more about this particular event or how we can help protect your customers and avoid similar potentially devastating and costly events, please get in touch with our team: sales@dynarisk.com